Tips and Ideas About How to Offer Free Roofing Inspections in the Spring Season to Start the Season Strong
Offering a free roofing inspection strategy can set a roofing company apart. However, the trick is offering this free service and having homeowners take you up on the offer!
How iRoofing Can Help During Hurricane Season
An article that explains why Roofers should use the iRoofing app during hurricane season and some additional tips for homeowners during hurricane season.
Easy, Accurate Roof Calculator App
Calculate Roof Sq. Ft, Roof SQs, and Metric Measurements in Minutes! roof calculator app By now, most roofing contractors know that measuring a roof does not have to involve climbing a ladder and precariously walking around the perimeter of a roof with a tape measure or measuring wheel. Today there’s a software solution that can […]
8 Great Roofing Ladders
Heavy-Duty Roofing Ladders: Your Stairways to Heaven! As a company that gets jazzed by any new technologies— whether it be in software development or in manufacturing— we at iRoofing love the newest innovations in ladder design. As the saying goes, make a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. We […]
Roofing Jobs Make Life Really Rewarding
The Roles of a Roofing Pro Is there anything more satisfying than knowing you’ve accomplished something with your own two hands? When you’re engaged in a profession that takes worn out things and makes them new again, you can go home feeling proud, especially when the task you completed enhanced the safety and comfort of […]
Roof Inspection Reports in the Palm of Your Hand
Roof Inspection App Almost all roofing contractors perform a roof inspection and report before finalizing project needs and costs. How else would they thoroughly understand and document where condition issues exist and what parts will need to be replaced? In addition, you also provide a roof assessment report to property owners for their insurance purposes. […]
Serving the Needs of Roofing Customers in the Wake of Coronavirus and Social Distancing
Contractors are now beginning to feel the effects of the coronavirus outbreak as they start to hear from customers who are reluctant to engage in physical interaction with the general public.
3 Ways Hi-Tech Roofers™ Rule the Skies
A high altitude look at satellite, aerial, and drone roof imagery. There are three main sources for photographic overhead images — satellites, airplanes, and drones. Hi-tech roofing contractors use one or more of these image sources depending on what software and hardware applications they’re equipped with. Without ready access to overhead, digital images, and a […]
3 Formas que Los Techadores que Utilizan La Tecnología Gobiernan Los Cielos
Una mirada a gran altitud utilizando imágenes satelitales, aéreas y de drones. Hay tres fuentes principales para imágenes fotográficas aéreas: satélites, aviones y drones. Los contratistas de techos de alta tecnología usan una o más de estas fuentes de imágenes según el software y las aplicaciones de hardware con las que estén equipados. Sin acceso […]