Roofing SEO – The Ultimate SEO Guide for Roofing Companies

Roofing SEO

February 20, 2023

You might have noticed roofing companies popping up all over the place. Chances are you’re here to learn how to beat the competition and get that coveted top spot on search engine results.

Welcome, you’re in just the right place to learn roofing SEO.

We’ll cover everything you need to know about roofing company SEO: why it’s worth it, when to work with agencies, and how to help your roofing business grow online. Whether your roofing company already has a website or are just starting one, this post is for you.

How can you use SEO as a roofing professional

SEO is all the actions we do to improve our website ranking on search results with the ultimate goal of increasing traffic from an audience that’s looking for our services. We do that by using the same keywords in our website content that target audiences are likely to be searching for when they’re looking for roofing services. That way, when a search engine sees all the mentions of, for example, “Professional roofing company in Lansing, Michigan” on your website and then a user in the Lansing area searches for a roofing company, the search engine knows it’s a safe bet to put you at the top of the list for that user.

SEO for roofing companies

Here’s a quick way to find out how your roofing company SEO stacks up against the competition:

  • Go into Private or Incognito mode in your browser (this will search without including historical data)
  • Search for this term on Google and see where your site is on the search results page
  • If you’re first on the list (with a non-sponsored post) — your SEO is performing admirably.
  • If you’re not where you want to be, keep reading.

SEO is powerful, but it’s not a quick fix

SEO takes time.

There are relatively few ‘silver bullets’ in marketing. Most quality work takes time to get results. SEO for roofing contractors is no different. The search engine algorithms that decide where your website ranks on a page constantly crawl the internet, looking for the most relevant content to show users.

You must be active.

In years past, you could create SEO-rich content for your website and leave it at that. Now, the search algorithm values new and updated content over old, stale content. You might not have anything new to say, but refreshing content regularly is critical to getting and keeping that first-page rank.

The algorithms are sophisticated and constantly being improved.

The note of needing new content brings us to another point — the algorithms are too advanced to be tricked by old hacks. For example, ten years ago, the algorithm valued the number of times a keyword is on a webpage, so sneaky developers would overlay text that was the exact color of the page background, make the font as small as possible, and repeat the keyword throughout the entire site. Sounds smart, but it doesn’t work today. Search algorithms are well past falling for those kinds of shenanigans and will penalize your site for things like that.

There are different types of SEO: on-page, off-page, and technical.

Primarily, if you’re working on your roofing company’s SEO, you’ll focus on on-page SEO. Doing this involves using keyword-rich content, as we’ve discussed above. If you decide to work with a roofing SEO agency, don’t be surprised to hear them mention off-page and technical SEO!

Now that we’ve discussed what you need to know before diving into SEO for roofing companies, let’s get into all the great things about Roofing SEO.

Best SEO tips for roofers

SEO traffic brings in warm leads.

If you get website traffic or a call from a customer who found you with a Google search, they likely, a) are calling for the specific service you offer and b) are in your area.


This is the biggest ‘pro’ of roofing SEO. If you are not working on SEO, a customer would have had to search through the entire internet to find you (or you to find them), and that quick connection becomes invaluable.

SEO is less intrusive than paid digital advertising.

When digital advertising is done well, it shouldn’t feel intrusive — but that’s not always the case. Online consumers are savvy, and any ad tends to be perceived as less trustworthy than an interaction initiated by the consumer directly.

Search engines have come a long way from just giving you a link to follow.

Social proof is valuable today, and search engines like Google have responded to that by making it easy for users to see a lot of info on the business they’re looking at right from the results page.


Now, you can show your potential customers reviews from past customers, testimonials, photos, and more. Google gives preference to businesses that have these things enabled, meaning that your SEO will benefit if you put the time in.


SEO isn’t focused on a short-term budget.

Other marketing tactics, like pay-per-click campaigns, can be extremely effective, but they do have the downside of being tied to a budget. Once that money is gone, there are no more eyes on your ads.


SEO doesn’t have those constraints. SEO is a long-term, low-investment marketing tool if you consistently create new website content and monitor keywords.


Even if you’re not tech-savvy, you can make an impact on the SEO for your roofing company.

Yes, much of what we’ve discussed involves computers and the internet, which may or may not be your favorite thing! The good news is that getting started on improving your SEO can be as easy as reading your website and making notes of where you can naturally include keywords.


If you’ve ever wondered why every company has a Blog section, the reason is SEO. One of the most influential factors in search engine ranking is how much valuable information your website contains that’s relevant to your audience.


You might think, “Why would I write an article on steel roofing versus asphalt shingles when I could just talk to a customer?” The answer would be SEO (with a sprinkling of consumer psychology). Most people prefer to research online before reaching out in person, and if your site has valuable information, they’re more likely to find you because you rank highly and call you when they’re ready.

Working with an SEO agency for your roofing business? Make sure you get your money’s worth!

SEO agencies are great resources for taking tasks off your hands and helping you stay at the job site instead of on the computer. Below, we’ll talk about what you should expect to give and receive from a good roofing SEO agency.

Here are some things you’ll need to have organized to provide to your agency so that they can hit the ground running and get roofing SEO leads coming in as quickly as possible:

  • Client reviews. If you remember, search engines can now show reviews and testimonials from past clients, and this is great news for you. Once your agency sets up the reviews section in your Google profile, they’ll need you to send clients to leave reviews. Doing this is one of the best ways to encourage new business.

    If you find it awkward to ask for reviews from past clients, try offering current clients a small discount for leaving an online review. That way, you’re not asking for something for free — everyone loves a deal. You’ll often find those happy customers will do the review and not take you up on the discount, anyways.

  • Project photos. Google also shows photos now — these can be submitted by clients or you as the business. Just remember to ask permission before sharing photos of someone’s home. It’s also important to do this consistently — photos from 6 years ago don’t have the same impact as ones from last month.
  • Relevant content. Your website is the cornerstone of your SEO, and keeping it up-to-date with relevant content is the best way to keep that first-page ranking on search engine results. This can be a new blog article, photos with captions that include your keywords, seasonal offers, promotions, or anything!

    Many agencies will offer you these services to take them off your plate, and if your budget allows, it can be a great plan. If not, you’ll need to be disciplined and make time for these things yourself. Marketers are great at what they do but can’t create amazing results without resources.

Here’s what you can expect from an SEO agency:

  • A yearly plan for your roofing company SEO. This plan should include your current website traffic, your main sources, goals to improve traffic from search engines, and a plan that details how they will meet those goals. This is an important part of the process, so don’t let an agency sneak by you without a meeting that goes into this in detail. Establishing written goals and plans is important, so everyone understands the plan and remains accountable.
  • List of roofing SEO keywords with all the keywords you should be ranking for.
    • Double-check that all those keywords are relevant to your business and have at least 30 searches each per month.
  • Monthly reports. In these reports, you want to see all the keywords you are trying to rank on, last month’s ranking position, and your current ranking. In addition, your agency should be reporting on monthly traffic growth and your page ranking. These reports should be a snapshot of the most important metrics, letting you quickly see the month’s progress.
  • A quarterly review. This important milestone check-in allows you to measure progress and keep your agency accountable. Without this, it’s difficult for you to track your Return On Investment so that you know your money is going to the right places. It’s also an opportunity for you to update your SEO agency with any new service offerings that they should know about or any that you’re planning to launch so that they can get ahead of the game. Don’t let this one slip!


Many people say that the best marketing is word of mouth. Think of SEO as a curated recommendation from the entire digital community. Search engine algorithms consider hundreds of thousands of factors to bring the best recommendations to the number one page spot. That’s why it’s so important not to sleep on SEO.


Most of us have at least one friend or family member that always gives the best recommendations. You trust their referrals because you know they’re exacting people that prize perfection but also know what you’ll be looking for. Using the tips, tricks, and advice we’ve given above, you can leverage this incredibly powerful tool, and it’ll be like you have that person working for you, but it’ll be search engines sending scores of new clients your way!

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