It’s what the Roofing World has Waited for
The world as we know it has changed for the better! How? Because, working remotely to create your own professional, digital measurement reports, estimates, inspections, and presentations just got even easier. iRoofing’s iPhone version has arrived and it’s replete with the great features users have come to rely on in iRoofing’s iPad and Android versions. It’s a roof measuring app for iPhone; a roofing calculator app for iPhone; a roof pitch app for iPhone, and more…all in one. But, its benefits are beyond measure!
- Instant, unlimited measurements
- Drone measurements
- Blueprint measurements
- Roof pitch calculator
- Integrated customer database
- Digital pitchbook
- Past project visual mapping
- Digital manufacturers’ catalogs
With the introduction of this roof measurement app for iPhone, contractors now have access to the industry’s #1 roofing app on any mobile platform— iPhones and iPads; Android phones and tablets.
iRoofing is already scheduling upgrades to its robust roof calculator app for iPhone, including:
coming iPHONE enhancements
- Roof Inspection Report Tool enables you to generate an instant detailed roof inspection report, including pictures you capture with your smartphone and/or drone.
- High-resolution Clearoof™ aerial images (Currently in iPad & Android tablets)
- iRoofCloud™ and iRoofConnect™ will enable you and your office personnel to control and share project information using your mobile devices, as well as, a desktop console for project administrators.
Best roofing app for iPhone
There is no extra cost for the best roofing app for iPhone because all iRoofing subscription plans include access for up to 3 users on any tablet or phone platform. For companies needing more than 3 devices, access to each additional device is only a $35/month additional cost. Plus, software updates never carry a cost, and more features and improvements will continually enhance the iRoofing experience.
Since 2012, iRoofing has empowered thousands of roofing contractors with advanced measurement and sales presentation technology to bid more projects and close more sales. You’re in complete control of every aspect of a roofing project, including the ability to create an unlimited number of roof reports for one monthly flat fee, equivalent to the cost of just a few 3rd-party roof reports.
iRoofing’s new roofing calculator app for iPhone has been painstakingly engineered and expertly designed to make your job faster, easier, more productive and more profitable than ever before. It’s even a roof pitch app that can automatically calculate the pitch of any roof. As usual, iRoofing is working harder than any software service in the construction industry to keep workers totally equipped with the best DIY technology in existence.
Roofing Pros, Meet the new Apple of Your Eye.
Roof Measuring app for iPhone
The iPhone roof app lets you measure a roof from satellite, drone and blueprint images. You now have an iPhone app for measuring square footage, calculating squares and labeling each roof part— ridges, hips, valleys, eaves, gutters, vents, ice & water… virtually every item needed in a roof replacement.
Now you have a supremely portable roof pitch app for iPhone. You can measure roof pitch from a slope, hip, valley or rake. The Pitch Detector along with other measurement tools like Scale Verify will ensure the accuracy of your iPhone roof measurements.
If you like iRoofing’s enhanced aerial imagery, Clearoof™, it too is coming to our iPhone following the initial release of version 1.0. Clearoof™ is iRoofing’s high-resolution imagery generated from specially-equipped aircraft. With Clearoof™, images can be selected from past months or seasons when overhead views are unobstructed by leafy trees or heavy snow (already available in our iPad and Android versions).
It’s a Stands-Alone app... and a Superb Companion to iPads
Get Organized
Create new contacts on your iPhone and tag them as Leads, Opportunities, Estimates, Sold… At anytime, just tap-to-call and schedule a meeting straight through your phone.
You can map project locations and tap-to-contact each client. You can save client billing and insurance info and schedule tasks so that you’ll never fail to follow-up with a hot lead. Property photos are easily placed into the customer profile and you can add your customers’ preferred products, too. iRoofing’s iPhone roofers app is the best in the business and the ONLY one like it.
Property Photos
You’re already capturing property photos with your phone, but now you can instantly integrate those important high-res images in your iPhone app’s customer database – no need to drag and drop a thing. When you have a customer profile on the screen, just snap away. You can annotate the pictures you take by drawing on them and jotting down notes with your fingertip. And don’t worry, you can upload images too.
Pocket Pitchbook
Imagine pulling your iPhone from your back pocket and treating a customer to a fantastic presentation of your company and their proposed project. They’ll look at you like you’re Mark Zuckerburg! Your iPhone pitchbook is branded to reflect your company’s brand beautifully, along with before-and-after pictures of projects you’ve completed in the neighborhood. Add customer testimonials, team pictures, awards and certificates…the world is your oyster!
Material Witness
Now you have access to thousands of roofing products from the world’s leading manufacturers, right on your iPhone. You can filter the in-app catalog to show only those product lines you like to use. The app already configures your catalog according to what is available in your local market, too. You can share ideas with your customers by selecting items and putting them into the customer profile.
Roof Inspection Report Tool
Your iPhone app from iRoofing comes with an innovative Inspection Report Tool. How cool is that! It makes sense to build such a tool into your iPhone because you always have it with you and IPhone cameras are famously fantastic at capturing clear colorful images. Capture images of roof wear and damage, then integrate them instantly into a comprehensive roof inspection report with a full project scope; the roof history; roof condition; workmanship; recommendations and photo documentation and descriptions of each trouble spot. Now can feel as confident as ever offering roof inspections!
Facilitate Social Distancing Etiquette with Remote Roofing
Most of your pre-installation work can be performed remotely using your iPhone and tablet devices. At iRoofing, we’ve laid out an entire plan for how to sell roofs from afar. Check out our Ultimate Guide for Selling Roofs remotely. You will find helpful videos there, as well.
So, there it is! The best roofing app for iPhones has finally arrived. Now more than ever, the power of professional roof reports is in your pocket!